Resources and Intelligence
Thought leadership
People Capability – The X Factor in Strategy Execution
Most companies understand that they need to have some kind of plan in place – a plan to get the business from point X to point Y, whatever those points may be. For a Sales Manager, this may mean, formulating a plan to grow sales by a certain percentage from the last year or to capture a new market segment. A brilliant plan puts you on the competitive map, but only solid execution can keep you there. You have to be able to deliver on your intent!
Rebirth of Ethical Marketing
A Business Case For Training In Business Ethics
First published in Interlink Insight Volume 13: Issue 1, 2014-15
The objective of this article is to discuss the state, perception and the role of ethics in business. It evaluates whether business ethics is an oxymoron as also examines whether business ethics can be taught.
Need of the Hour – Shift to Value-based Leadership
Published on Thursday, May 29, 2014, in
Desperate times call for desperate measures; such is the case of the pharma industry today. The stakeholders’ trust everywhere has hit an all-time low. It is important to reinvent how the different stakeholders are managed, be it specialty drug makers or generic manufacturers to capitalize on the possibilities that lie ahead.
Is In-Clinic Productivity A Corner Stone For Achieving Growth Numbers?
First published in Interlink Insight Vol. 11 Issue – 3, 2012-13
The pharmaceutical industry is believed to be a stable industry by many analysts. However, the reality is far from it. You can gain stimulating perspective on how you can get the much sought after growth the right way by tackling all challenges at the grass root level of the pharma field force. This article highlights the key issues challenging the industry today and also provides solutions to the tussle every CEO faces for delivering the desired growth numbers.
Strategies for SME Survival and Growth
First published in Interlink Insight Vol. 10 Issue 1 Jan-March, 2012
Why can’t the SMEs of today become the MNCs of tomorrow? With the ending of the process patent era which allowed Indian SMEs to flourish, it is becoming a battle for the SMEs to survive and grow. This article puts forth key Growth barriers, Survival and Growth Models along with various strategies for Pharma SMEs to tap Growth opportunities.
Seven tests to validate your strategy
First published in Interlink Insight Vol. 9 Issue 1 Apr-Jun 2011
In the arena of fierce competition, when performances are continuously reviewed and analyzed for gaps in strategy implementation, it is important to check whether the business strategy is really robust. The author has developed 7 tests to validate business strategy in the initial stages which will enable organization to take corrective measures in time and deliver better results.
Revitalising aging brands
First published in Interlink Insight Vol.4 No.4 2006
Mature or heritage brands are often regarded as efficacious and the gold standard in a particular therapeutic area, with the bonus of a predictable safety profile. They are also less expensive and potential profit generators. Yet, challenges faced by a mature brand are obvious. Many once-strong brands wither away into obscurity. Reviving them can improve bottom lines of an organization. Once an organization decides to revive the brand, various options need to be considered. The key is to identify critical growth drivers and quantify the growth each driver can generate for the brand.